Nothing is Perfect in This World - Live Your Own Life

Nothing is perfect in this world. If you think someone has a perfect life you’re wrong. Everybody has a story and a challenge they have gone through to get to where they are now. Athletes, movie stars, business executives all have had challenges they had to overcome. Our disability is our story and it defines how strong we are and will be for the rest of our life.

The past couple weeks have tested both my mental and physical strength. From seizures to trying to find my path in this world. This world throws so much at you that you almost need to just take a day off and remember that each day is a gift. You might have to overcome a day full of seizures or people saying no to you a thousand times but waking up each morning is a gift. It’s important that you figure out what your limits are so you know when you need to just step back and take a break from it all. Challenge after challenge, you will get stronger.

Throughout these couple weeks I’ve realized that you can’t be self-conscious of yourself. Yes, you will be judged especially with your disability. But guess what, who cares! We know how strong we are, and how precious our life is. I don’t know how to live like anyone else, so why care about being judged about living my life? When you think you’re being judged, just know that you’re 100x stronger than that person.

Our community is special in that we are all fighters in the same ring. When I feel down, I think of our community and the last round fighters that we all are. If you’re having a rough day, remember that we’re here for you. Trust me I’ve been there.

With the help of my family and the local epilepsy association, I’m beginning to find my path in this world. I don’t care about what others are doing in their lives because I have a goal that I want to achieve. You’re going to have those rough patches in your life, but you will overcome them.

"Dark Horse" by Devin Dawson, Album: Dark Horse, 2018
