Handling Those Real Bad Epilepsy Days

It happens to everyone; those really bad days. Whether it’s seizure related or simply a rough day in general, we all experience them. They’re not fun, and they can drain us both mentally and physically. I was recently asked how I manage those bad days. It was a fitting question for the patchy days I’ve been having. There’s a few things I rely on when these days come, and I’m going to take you through them. Remember, everyone has those rough days.

Love & Support of Family & Friends

It sounds simple, but having family to lean back on when you have a rough day or don’t feel right is crucial. My parents and siblings have been by my side throughout my entire epilepsy journey, so they understand what I go through on those days when I have 15-20 seizures. They know that when I get home they can expect me to say “darn my head hurts” or “I really need a nap.” Not many families have to go through this, and mine does one heck of a job handling it. Now, it’s not just my parents and siblings that help. The power of the cell phone is amazing. In a matter of minutes, i can reach my cousins, best friends, and those in the epilepsy community for the support I need to get through my rough days. Everyone is just a phone call or a text away for that help I may need.

Never Underestimate Music

When I had my first EEG, I truly understood how important music was going to be throughout my epilepsy journey. While it did play a big role in preparing for wrestling and golf matches, it doesn’t compare to the effect in my epilepsy journey. When I experience a rough few days, you can find me listening to a few Eric Church or Morgan Wallen songs. It takes my mind off what has happened, and helps me relax and meditate very quickly. From walking through the hallways of the clinic heading to the OR room for my brain surgery to simply writing blogs, music will always be on because a melody can connect to memory in a heartbeat.

Faith In God

My faith is very important to me, and it will always be that way. Did I ever plan on having clubbed feet or epilepsy? Absolutely not. What I do know is that God gave me these challenges because he knows that I’m strong enough to handle them. When I have those clusters of seizures, they’re not fun, but I know that God is on my side and will help me get through it. The rough days will come, but I have no control on when they do. All I can do is control what I can, and pray for guidance through times when things aren’t right. Everything that I have I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for.

If I can stress one thing to all of you, it would be that everyone has rough days. How you deal with them is all up to you. I’m not saying you need to do these things when you have a bad day, but to develop your own tactics that will help you defeat those tough times. Stay strong everyone!
